IBC Hackfest 2015 - Amsterdam


Tap the screen if you see a goal coming!

Gamification of soccer and other sports games to make it even more entertaining and addictive to watch. Watch the game on your mobile device or Smart TV, play against your friends, see the leaderboard and tweet about all the points you just scored in Tapball!

By feeding the position of the ball from LViS by monterosa, we determine if the ball is on the field or in one of the goals. If you see the goal coming, touch the screen and score points. Timing your tapping is important, if you tap too much, you'll loose points - if you tap it just right, you'll earn points! You'll also get feedback about how many other players that are currently tapping, so it's your chance be part of something bigger!

We're using Digits by Twitter for user authentication and validation, and everything is hosted in the cloud on EC2 and S3 by Amazon.

The team of 5 are all from Copenhagen, Denmark. It's the first time we're working together as a group, and the first time any of us are attending a Hackathon.

Unfortunately due to closed API's and the video stream rights, we're not allowed to publish the source code and provide public access to the website for now, but drop by and ask us and we'll show you all the cool technologies we're using!