ShowMeData Hackathon GUS
14th Apr 2018, 8 a.m. CEST - 15th Apr 2018, 7 p.m. CEST, Location: Al. Niepodleglosci 208, Warsaw, 00-925, Poland.

The Statistics Poland organizes a hackathon for students and graduates of IT or related fields. The competition task is to create a prototype of a mobile application with the function of augmented reality, containing elements of e-learning and gamification. The prototype has to make use of public statistical data available in the Eurostat databases (European Statistical Office) by means of API. We expect a user-friendly application with intuitive interface and attractive graphics address at teenagers aged 12-15. We are waiting for teams of 2 to 4 people. All prototypes crated during the hackathon will be evaluated by Jury and the winners will receive valuable prizes for their programs – the main prize is PLN 20,000 (equivalent of USD 5871 or EUR 4768).

We speak English, but our hackathon website, registration form (, rules (, contract template etc. are available in Polish only. Feel free to translate it (e.g. by Google Translate) and if you have any question please send us e-mail to: or phone us: +48 22 449 41 45 (Mo-Fr 8:15 to 16:15 CET).


Główny Urząd Statystyczny organizuje hackathon dla studentów i absolwentów kierunków informatycznych lub pokrewnych. Zadaniem konkursowym jest stworzenie prototypu aplikacji mobilnej z funkcją rozszerzonej rzeczywistości, zawierającego elementy e-learningu i grywalizacji. Prototyp musi wykorzystywać dane statystyki publicznej dostępne w bazach Eurostatu (Europejskiego Urzędu Statystycznego) przez API. Oczekujemy przyjaznej aplikacji z intuicyjną obsługą oraz atrakcyjną grafiką, która zainteresuje statystyką młodzież w wieku 12-15 lat. Czekamy na zespoły liczące od 2 do 4 osób. Wszystkie prace oceni Jury, a zwycięzcy otrzymają atrakcyjne nagrody. W puli są nagrody finansowe – w tym główna nagroda w wysokości 20 tys. zł.

Total prize fund
time left



1st place - Main prize

Statistics Poland will buy the prototype prepared by the winners of the hackathon (for the PLN 20000) in order to distribute it for free among European Union statistical institutions. The winners will have to provide in 21 days after the hackathon: commented source codes, multimedia and other materials required by the prototype to work properly, short technical documentation and instruction step-by step how to compile the application. The application should be publish in Google Play or App Store.


2nd place - Award

Statistics Poland will buy the prototype of awarded application (for the PLN 5000) in order to distribute it for free via Google Play or App Store. The awarded team will have to provide in 14 days after the hackathon: programme and required multimedia to publish the application in appropriate platform store.


3rd place - Award

Statistics Poland will buy the prototype of awarded application (for the PLN 5000) in order to distribute it for free via Google Play or App Store. The awarded team will have to provide in 14 days after the hackathon: programme and required multimedia to publish the application in appropriate platform store.