Major League Hacking brings 'BrickHack' to RIT this weekend

As part of the Major League Hacking's Spring 2015 competition schedule, the official student hackathon league will launch a 24-hour hackathon called 'BrickHack' to the Rochester Institute of Technology this weekend.
Hundreds of students from RIT and 15 other colleges are expected to participate in the event, with the aim of creating the best new web and mobile apps, games, and hardware hacks in the fast-paced environment which hackathons are known for.
Teams which will consist of computer programmers, graphic designers, and students from an array (see what I did there?) of other disciplines at their respective colleges will put their innovative minds together to come up with what could become the next game-changing app or service.
Said teams will show-off their final projects at the end of the weekend to earn points and improve their standing in the Major League Hacking table. At the end of the season, the top-performing schools will win a variety of prizes such as tablets and smartwatches.
The hackathon's organisers say: "Major League Hacking's mission is to spread the hacker ethos to every student on the planet; to cultivate communities where aspiring hackers have the opportunity to learn, build, and share their creations with the world."
Major League Hacking hosts a range of hackathons around Europe and America. There are five dates left of the Spring season after BrickHack in Rochester;
- HackRU, New Brunswick (April 18th - 19th)
- CarlHacks, Northfield (April 24th - 26th)
- RedbirdHacks, Normal (April 24th - 26th)
- Project 34, St Petersburg (May 2nd - 3rd)
- RevolutionUC (May 15th - 17th)
You can find out more information about Major League Hacking here.
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