48 hour ‘codefest’ brings solution for MasterControl customer needs
GlobalPlatform to launch security hackathon
Women in Law hackathon seeks to address gender parity issues at leading firms
Public and private sectors partner for San Diego climate change hackathon
Tech Valley Center of Gravity launches latest VR/AR hackathon in New York


NASA's Space Apps hackathon returns to Waterloo
SkyWatch has announced that the NASA International Space Apps Challenge hackathon is returning to Waterloo and will run from 22-24 April.

Microsoft launches open source conference and hackathon in India
Microsoft India has launched Microsoft Openness Day, an open source conference and hackathon aimed at helping developers explore and discover the company’s Azure cloud platform for government and enterprise solutions.

Dublin Airport announces hackathon for enhanced customer experience ideas
Dublin Airport has announced a Smart Airport Hackathon event on April 15-17 in order to foster innovation and enhance the customer experience at the airport.

Verizon on board for CSA’s fourth software defined perimeter hackathon
Verizon is playing the lead role at the Cloud Security Alliance’s fourth annual Software Defined Perimeter Hackathon, taking place at the USA 2016 RSA Conference from February 29 to March 4 in San Francisco.

Winners selected in Girls in Tech American football hackathon
With the Super Bowl taking place on Sunday, it seems only apt that the past couple of weeks has seen a hackathon dedicated to American football; and the winner of Girls in Tech’s Super Football Hackathon is a mobile app which helps explain the game to newbies.

'Wake Me App' is the winner of Ford's hackathon
The results of Ford's hackathon are now in, and the winner of the Tel Aviv hackathon is called 'Wake Me App' which leverages the new capabilities of SYNC 3.

Ford looks to the future of "drivables" with first hackathon
Automotive giant Ford held its first hackathon in Tel Aviv last Sunday with the aim of building new apps catered for the car.

Hackathons meet religion at 'Code for the Kingdom'
A group of faith-motivated programmers have come together at the 'Code for the Kingdom' hackathon in Seattle with the hope of solving a few societal problems.

Damage assessment app wins Mercedes-Benz 24 hour hackathon
An app which enables a driver to assess the damage on their vehicle at all times, has won a recent hackathon organised by Mercedes-Benz Vans and DigitalLife@Daimler.

Comcast NBCUniversal launching latest public hackathon on viewer engagement