10-11 September 2016, IBC2016, RAI Amsterdam
Think about the future. What do you see? Ignore domestic robots, let’s instead focus on the Future City. We’re already seeing the rise of smart cities, from Barcelona to London to Nairobi and beyond. IoT, VR, and AI have made massive strides in the past few years. We know our lives are about to change: what we want to know is what those changes will look like.
Enter the IBC Hackfest: a chance for developers to help define the future.
Grand Prize:
- €4,000 in cash
- Gadgets for each team member (soon to be announced)
- IBC2017 Bronze Pass for each team member, valued at €1,199
Runner Up:
- €1,000 in cash
- Gadgets for each team member (soon to be announced)
We’re looking for hacks in the following areas:
- Education: How does the rise of AR/VR change the classroom? How does new multi-faceted content affect the classroom experience and how can we best incorporate it into our learning techniques?
- Entertainment: What does the future living room look like (got your hoverboard hanging over your TV? Do you even have a TV?). How will you find and share the content you want?
- Sports: What does the future of football viewing look like? What new Audience engagement techniques can fans use to get into the game? Will IoT and AI change the way we experience sports forever?

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