IoT Tech Expo Hackathon

Home Temperature Confidence

This project focused on automating home control and monitoring to maintain temperature and humidity.

We used the MediaTek LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo board with the following Grove components;

  • Temperature/Humidity sensor - to capture these each second
  • Servo - to mimick the opening/closing of a window

The Arduino IDE was used to code/upload sketches to the board. Sensor readings were taken every couple seconds. If the temperature or humidity exceeded 28 degrees or 50 respectively then the servo was activated to open the window (turn anti clockwise 180 degrees). If the temperature/humidity falls below the thresholds again the servo was activated to close (clockwise 180 degrees).

This data is accessed from an API and can be viewed remotel in a graph and via a live video feed (this is still beig worked on). The graph changes colour when the thresholds are exceed and resets again when the thresholds are not exceeded.
